Re:NK Cell Brightening Extreme Skin & Emulsion Gift Set

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Simply Whitening treatment cannot improve dark, dull skin tone.

Take Care of your damaged, dull skin casued by external environment and let it look bright and healthy with Re:NK Cell Brightening Line.

1. Re:NK Cell Brightening Extreme Skin 150ml ------------------------ 1ea
2. Re:NK Cell Brightening Extreme Emulsion 130ml ---------------- 1ea
3. Re:NK Cell Brightening Extreme Skin 20ml -------------------------- 1ea
4. Re:NK Cell Brightening Extreme Emulsion 20ml ------------------- 1ea
5. Re:NK Cell Brightening Extreme Cream 10ml ----------------------- 1ea
6. Re:NK Cell Brightening Extreme Cleansing Foam 30ml --------- 1ea
7. Re:NK Cell Brightening Extreme Peeling Gel 30ml ---------------- 1ea
8. Re:NK Professional Oil Tissue -------------------------------------------- 10ea

How to use

Cleansing foam > Skin Softener > Emulsion > Cream

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